
Each of Comcast’s customer service teams, depending on their particular expertise (retail store, call center, in-home technician, etc), used different applications with overlapping functionality, creating inefficiencies across the nationwide organization. My team went about restructuring 6+ applications into a single, streamlined experience.

Goals of this project included centralizing knowledge within a unified platform, providing a customized experience for all roles, a new architecture platform, a new content management backend, and a new design system.

Our team worked on research and planning, made an OOUX model for content, created concept designs, started a Storybook library of built components, and developed a successful POC for both design and tech.

For the proof of concept build, we took the final concepts and created component-level specs with tokens for the dev team, including a framework for responsive breakpoints.

We went through many iterations in high-fidelity while another team was simultaneously building out a new design system.